Wednesday, August 10, 2011

MHP3 : A Bit of Lizard with Wyvern On The Top

Today i'm doing 2 quest in MHP3. The first is a Village HR5 2 Royal Ludroth and Village HR5 Rathalos. It's been a while since i played this game.

I picked this Royal Ludroth quest just for warming up before i tackle another quest. That, and to try my new Jinouga Switch Axe!

Feel the electriciteh!

I love Switch Axes. It's like you're having two weapons at the same time. One moment it was an axe, and after that it's a sword. I wonder how the mechanism works?

Oh well. Even with 2 Royal Ludroth, it doesnt give much of a challenge for me. My only regret that i don't even break ANY of their mane T_T.

Aren't they cute? *pokes* *w*

The second is Rathalos. I battled so many Rathalos on my MHFU days, i could multitasking battling them. But in MHP3, it's different story...

They're BIGGER. They're STRONGER. They're FASTER. And to make things worse, MHP3 Rathalos's fly A LOT. I hate it when they're flying, because i'm a melee weapon user and... you know how things goes with melee weapons, yes?

This is my first time tackling Rathalos in MHP3, and i died twice. Even though i know most of their patterns, damn. I hate those fireballs, making some fire on the ground and me. Annoying, seriously.

My feeling when i finally snapped after being bullied by Rathalos

In the end, i defeated it. That's a lot of work. Even with their counterpart, Rathian, i don't so many trouble as much as this. Thx for nothing Rathalos.

Who's the boss now, huh? D:<

My jobs isn't over though. I want to make Rathalos Armor, because it's cool and it's stats are great. So yeah, we'll be working together again, Rathalos. I'm gonna make you suffer.


  1. Play in PSP right?!? How you able to capture this?

  2. Using a screenshot homebrew apps on the psp... You can also try RemoteJoyLite, but i've never tried it
