Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dragon Nest SEA : First Time Playin'

Hello guys! Today i'm gonna tell you about Dragon Nest Online.

This is the new MMORPG that my friends always told me to play. They say it's effin good and new. I'm curious, and i've tried it. It was GREAT. This is kinda similiar to RYL Online, but this one is good because it has a good and clear storyline, have a better gameplay and system, and an individual maps for you and your party to hunt.

Sadly, you can't change the gender of your character, but i'm fine with that. We have 4 classes for now. We have Warrior, Archer, Sorcerer, and Cleric. My first char is an Archer named Ventia.

As you know, Archers are ranged fighter. They have 3 type of weapons. Shortbow, Longbow, and Crossbow. Shortbow are a stable weapon, have a fixed rate of fire, and an average damage. Longbow is kinda unique because after several shots, you can shoot a piercing charged shot. Crossbow have rapid fire, but small damage.

So far i've been leveling up my Ventia to level 5 in 1 hour. Maybe you can level up faster if you put more effort into it XD

Here's the screenshot of the first Boss and the scenery.

Orc Baku, the first Boss. Feel my arrows!

Scenery of Praire Town, the starting point of Archers and Warriors

I like this game, and soon i'll put some videos of my gameplay in DNSEA.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. >>I like this game, and soon i'll put some videos of my gameplay in DNSEA.

    I want to see it too.. please upload it ASAP
