Thursday, December 6, 2012

Nuzlocke Challenge : Pokemon Emerald!

Hello again everyone! Finally a new post after a long time. I've been busy with my college and other stuff so i can't really update the blog a few months back.

So anyway, now i'm gonna start my journal about Nuzlocke Challenge! It's a interesting challenge where you apply some special rules that really affect the gameplay and it's only applies for Pokemon series. There's only 2 rules to this challenge, which is :

1. You may only capture the first Pokemon you encounter in each new area you explore. If you accidently killed it, no other chances for you in that area.

2. If one of your Pokemon faints, you must release it.

And i've added my own rules. This is optional and only for me. You may use it too if you want.

3. Whiteout means GAME OVER.

At first, the rules maybe simple. But when you go through it, you will realize that your companion is so important that you don't want them to die.

You can also see the info about Nuzlocke Challenge here :

I just started a new file in Pokemon Emerald and now i'm at Oldale town. So far i've captured :

Starter Pokemon - Torchic at Lv5 (Nickname : Blaze)
Route 101 - Poochyena at Lv3 (Nickname - Pochi)
Route 103 - Wingull at Lv 3 (Nickname - Birdy)

So far so good. I even got a Flying Pokemon early because i've played Pokemon Emerald before and i know that Flying Pokemon is quite hard to find here, especially the strong one. My first pick is Taillow but since i got Wingull so it'll do :)

See you guys at the next journal of Nuzlocke Challenge!

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