Monday, December 24, 2012

Nuzlocke Emerald Challenge 3

Part 3
Back for updates on my journal! ...and i have bad news. Pochi's dead ;A; I didn't even get to evolve him to Mightyena. Rest in peace, Pochi. You will be remembered. Now i'm quite far from Rustboro. Already make it all the way to Lavaridge and i already got the Bicycle! YEAH!

So here's the updated list on the pokemon!

Starter Pokemon - Combusken/M Lv29 (Blaze) Just a little more to evolve!
Route 101 - Poochyena/M (Pochi) RIP ;w;
Route 103 - Pelipper/M Lv30 (Birdy) He surpassed Blaze because of Lavaridge Gym \m/
Route 102Kirlia/M Lv22 (Grace)
Route 104Poochyena/F Lv4 (Pon)

Petalburg Woods - Beautifly/M Lv20 (Bugsy) He's been replaced by Electrike.
Route 116 - Nincada/M Lv7 (Ninja) He's becoming a HM Slave LOL
Rusturf Tunnel - Loudred/F Lv24 (Noise) I got her when she's still a Whismur and now becoming a valuable member of the party.
Granite Cave - Makuhita/M Lv7 (Guts) I didn't get Aron in Granite Cave AAAAAAAA ;A;
Route 110 - Electrike/M Lv23 (Raiju) Luckily i got him and he's my only Lightning pokemon so far. He's absolutely had to be in the group.
Route 112 - Numel/M Lv21 (Numa) Finally got a ground type!
Fiery Path - Koffing/F Lv15 (Cogh) My first Poison type pokemon. Not bad.
Route 113 - Slugma/M Lv15 (Lava) Another fire pokemon *sigh* Not bad though.
Meteor Falls - Solrock Lv16 (Sunny) I don't know if i can get Bagon because as far as i remember Bagon is in Meteor Falls and it's one area so... ;A;
Jagged Pass - Spoink/M Lv22 (Puhi) Another Psychic type. I used Spoink in my first playthrough so i know how powerful he is but for now i want to stick with Grace.

I already defeated 4 Gym. Roxanne, Brawley, Wattson, and Flannery. Now i'm heading toward Petalburg City to face Dad. I'm so scared to face him because he has SLAKING. THE MOTHEREFFIN SLOTH KING. Slaking stats are SUPER HIGH. So high, he's actually on near equal term with Arceus, the God Pokemon. The only drawback is he must wait for 1 turn to be able to attack again. I guess it's time to grind again. Well, wish me luck!

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