Friday, December 14, 2012

Nuzlocke Emerald Challenge 2

Part 2
Hey guys! Time for an updates after a few days. I'm very busy lately because so many projects and i'm working on a game. So let's start!

The journey so far is really made me afraid. So far no casuality but there's one time where my Wurmple nearly die, only 1 HP left! Oh yeah, i should update my captured pokemon

My pokemon so far :

Starter Pokemon - Combusken Lv16 (Blaze) Already evolved! YEY!
Route 101 - Poochyena Lv7 (Pochi)
Route 103 - Wingull Lv 11 (Birdy)
Route 102 - Ralts Lv 7 (Grace) LUCKY!
Route 104 - Poochyena Lv4 (Pon) For backup, i guess
Petalburg Woods - Beautifly Lv 10 (Bugsy) Good addition to the team :D
Route 116 - Nincada Lv7 (Ninja) Another rare pokemon! NICE :D

Now i'm in Rustboro and still grinding for the gym. I'm still afraid to challenge the gym because of Nosepass. He's uber strong for the first gym and can OHKO my Combusken and Wingull with ease :( Gotta keep grinding until my pokemon are strong enough.

Well, see you later in my next Journal!

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